Search for your local/state representative at the links below. You can also reach out to the White House Directly.
The efforts of John Haines and his team worked with Rep Ron Kind (D-WI-3) to present HR 4522 to the United States House of Representatives on July 19, 2021. Please visit for the latest updates.
This bill will make changes to the current Immigration and Nationality Act and would provide for the admission of certain sons and daughters of citizens of the Unites States, which citizens served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States abroad, and for other purposes.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! If you live in the US or know anyone that does, join us by reaching out to your Senators and State Representatives as their constituents, and ask them to support this bill.
Sample Word Docs are available below for you to download to help you write your letters, emails, and scripts for phone calls. A sheet to keep track of your contact efforts is also be available. You may return these logs to when you are finished.
The files below can be opened for free through Google Docs.
Download the PDF here
The full text of the bill can be viewed here: