The Face of Our Challenges

Our work can be very difficult, when we reach out to an individual or family member, we often aren’t received very well. A person’s initial reaction is disbelief, confusion or being cautious. With the current problem of identity theft running high, many just will not give out any personally identifying information.

Whether we reach out to a sibling, a parent, a cousin, aunt or uncle or grandparent, we always identify ourselves by name, and give our own personal experience story. We give them time to think about why we are contacting them. Once they understand the reason we are calling, we state that any information they provide will be secure and not released to anyone without their permission.

Many times people just don’t comprehend what we are asking for, it’s a shock and the disbelief of why we are contacting them and makes many not want to discuss the situation. We get hung up on, told off, threatened, and blocked.

Yet we still try. We still persist until it is clear that the person absolutely does not want to help us or hear that they have an Amerasian family member. We accept it and continue on looking for other family members who would like to know them.

It is based off the fear of not knowing what will happen or what they will learn. So we must do our best to educate the public that the Amerasian generation is legitimate, they are real people just wanting to know their families and be accepted. They are not scammers, or con artists. They are not lesser people. They are loving and caring individuals with their own lives and own families who just want to know their other side of the family.

Please consider helping us spread the word that Amerasian children are human beings just like yourself, just looking for their families, and just trying to live a better life. Communication is key and the more we talk about it, the more it will become easier to talk about.

I am always open to listen if you have any questions or just want to talk to someone about your situation. I have been there and can offer a safe place to voice your feelings.

Michelle Reed
Founder of